Overview |
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Board |
Nex is played on a rhombus board of different sizes. Pairs of the opposite board edges are marked with two colors, usually Red and Blue. |
Objective |
The objective of Nex is to create a connected chain of a player's stones linking the opposite edges of the board marked by the player's color. |
Play |
The game begins with an empty board. Each player has an allocated color, usually Red and Blue. Players take turns making one of the following:
Since the first player has a distinct advantage, the pie rule is generally used to make the game fair. This rule allows the second player to switch colors as his first move. |
Game statistics
Last generated on 6:55:03 PM, Tue, Feb 25, 2025
Members who played at least 1 game(s) | 89 |
Members who played at least 10 game(s) | 4 |
Number of played games | 166 |
Average duration | 19m 18s |
Number of wins by the player #1 (excluding quits) | 86 (51.81%) |
Number of wins by the player #2 (excluding quits) | 74 (44.58%) |
Number of draws | 4 (2.41%) |
Game activity graph
Last generated on 6:55:03 PM, Tue, Feb 25, 2025
TOP20 list of members by the score
Last generated on 6:55:03 PM, Tue, Feb 25, 2025
Member | Score |
1. nexuser | 1767 |
2. Arty | 1644 |
3. maaraca | 1625 |
4. dave doma | 1568 |
5. netsuke | 1563 |
6. Raph | 1550 |
7. comonoid | 1547 |
8. Che_Pche | 1545 |
9. dinozarl | 1545 |
10. flextest | 1532 |
11. wurfmaul | 1526 |
12. Fabioooooo | 1524 |
13. mililip | 1524 |
14. paola2021 | 1524 |
15. MENTALISTA | 1524 |
16. azdazda | 1524 |
17. Dryad | 1524 |
18. browni3141 | 1524 |
19. rayzg | 1524 |
20. mattwise | 1518 |
TOP20 list of members by the number of wins
Last generated on 6:55:03 PM, Tue, Feb 25, 2025
Member | Wins |
1. nexuser | 80 |
2. Arty | 15 |
3. maaraca | 8 |
4. Raph | 5 |
5. dave doma | 5 |
6. netsuke | 3 |
7. llyvss | 2 |
8. traineeslayer | 2 |
9. Che_Pche | 2 |
10. comonoid | 2 |
11. MangoTownTravis | 2 |
12. dinozarl | 2 |
13. IceMirror | 2 |
14. gkvp | 2 |
15. wiseone | 1 |
16. Aroktyoe | 1 |
17. mockingbird | 1 |
18. Fabioooooo | 1 |
19. carla sousa | 1 |
20. mililip | 1 |
TOP20 list of members by the number of played games
Last generated on 6:55:03 PM, Tue, Feb 25, 2025
Member | Games |
1. nexuser | 97 |
2. llyvss | 27 |
3. Arty | 27 |
4. carla sousa | 17 |
5. maaraca | 9 |
6. Raph | 8 |
7. gkvp | 8 |
8. beeara | 6 |
9. dave doma | 6 |
10. nuhuo1234 | 6 |
11. BEE BEATER | 5 |
12. traineeslayer | 5 |
13. Aroktyoe | 4 |
14. IceMirror | 4 |
15. daimond113 | 3 |
16. mililip | 3 |
17. raso76 | 3 |
18. netsuke | 3 |
19. thickblackabcd121446 | 2 |
20. mockingbird | 2 |