
Nagat is a two- or three-player abstract board game played on a hexagonal board designed by Steven Metzger in 2008.


The goal of Nagat is to have the last king left uncaptured.

Board/Starting Positions

Nagat is played on a hexagonal board with five cells per side.

Each player controls an army of 8 soldiers (shown with the numbers "2" and "3") and 1 king (shown as the outlined number "1").

The following are starting positions for both two- and three-player Nagat, respectively:



Blue goes first, followed by yellow, then red.

Each player, on their turn, moves one piece.
- You must move the piece exactly the number of spaces shown on its face.
- You may change the direction of a piece mid-move, but it may only make a 120° angle (not 60°).

Soldiers change numbers if they are moved.
- Immediately after it has moved, a "2" soldier becomes a "3."
- Immediately after it has moved, a "3" soldier becomes a "2."
- A king is always a "1," and does not change after a move.

If a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured.

A piece may not move through or jump over any piece, including their own.

Visual representation of each piece's legal (and an illegal) movement is shown here:



In three-player Nagat, one player will lose their king first and be eliminated from the game.
The soldiers of the eliminated player change colors to the player that captured their king, and will be controlled by the capturing player.

Play continues as normal, with the eliminated player removed from the game, and their turns skipped.

End of Game

The game ends when only one king is left. That king's player is the winner.

If there are no soldiers remaining, but more than one king, the game ends in a draw.
In three-player Nagat, an eliminated player still loses the game if the other two players draw.


Win: 1 point.
Two-way draw: 1/2 point.
Three-way draw: 1/3 point.
Loss/Elimination: 0 points.