Overview |
Game statistics
Last generated on 19:55:33, sam. 21 sept. 2024
Members who played at least 1 game(s) | 209 |
Members who played at least 10 game(s) | 24 |
Games with 2 players | |
Number of played games | 641 |
Average duration | 24m 43s |
Number of wins by the player #1 (excluding quits) | 285 (44.46%) |
Number of wins by the player #2 (excluding quits) | 335 (52.26%) |
Number of draws | 0 (0.00%) |
Games with 3 players | |
Number of played games | 134 |
Average duration | 32m 58s |
Number of wins by the player #1 (excluding quits) | 48 (35.82%) |
Number of wins by the player #2 (excluding quits) | 42 (31.34%) |
Number of wins by the player #3 (excluding quits) | 45 (33.58%) |
Number of draws | 0 (0.00%) |
Game activity graph
Last generated on 19:55:33, sam. 21 sept. 2024
TOP20 list of members by the score
Last generated on 19:55:33, sam. 21 sept. 2024
Member | Score |
1. Zotmeister | 1795 |
2. Zurround | 1795 |
3. Raph | 1751 |
4. be forest. | 1661 |
5. mathgrant | 1659 |
6. dave doma | 1654 |
7. Skim | 1653 |
8. Diamante | 1650 |
9. Gamer-man | 1643 |
10. nurmat99 | 1627 |
11. phillip1882 | 1618 |
12. Erekki | 1613 |
13. maaraca | 1613 |
14. Vit555 | 1597 |
15. Zozoken | 1592 |
16. kormi88 | 1587 |
17. Ren Furen | 1584 |
18. texas rose | 1583 |
19. nonzer0 | 1575 |
20. Charly9631 | 1558 |
TOP20 list of members by the number of wins
Last generated on 19:55:33, sam. 21 sept. 2024
Member | Victoires |
1. Zurround | 273 |
2. Vit555 | 110 |
3. kingcat | 62 |
4. be forest. | 29 |
5. Arty | 29 |
6. mathgrant | 19 |
7. Raph | 18 |
8. Ian Curtis | 17 |
9. maaraca | 17 |
10. Zotmeister | 13 |
11. Skim | 12 |
12. spamking | 11 |
13. Diamante | 11 |
14. gkvp | 9 |
15. zaalaax | 8 |
16. dave doma | 7 |
17. utilitymonster | 6 |
18. Zozoken | 6 |
19. Nottingham | 5 |
20. Tokee | 5 |
TOP20 list of members by the number of played games
Last generated on 19:55:33, sam. 21 sept. 2024
Member | Parties |
1. Zurround | 355 |
2. Vit555 | 190 |
3. kingcat | 143 |
4. Ian Curtis | 77 |
5. Arty | 74 |
6. gkvp | 73 |
7. be forest. | 38 |
8. mathgrant | 36 |
9. spamking | 31 |
10. maaraca | 29 |
11. Raph | 22 |
12. QULA | 17 |
13. Zotmeister | 16 |
14. Diamante | 15 |
15. Tokee | 14 |
16. Skim | 13 |
17. Nottingham | 13 |
18. Popotan | 13 |
19. wurfmaul | 12 |
20. Carroll | 12 |