Overview |
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Board and Pieces |
Splut! is played on a special board with squares forming a diamond shape (see below). There are two to four players in the game: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Each player initially has three pieces: There are 4 special pieces used in the game: The initial position of all pieces is shown on the following picture: When the game is played with less than 4 players, unused "teams" (a Sorcerer, a Dwarf and a Stonetroll) are removed from the board but all 4 Rocks remain on the board. |
Object of the Game |
The object of the game is to kill all opposing Sorcerers by throwing a Rock on their heads. Once a Sorcerer dies, his entire team is removed from the board. |
Play | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
One of the players begins and players move in turn. Each turn a player must make 3 steps. However, the first player on his first turn must make only 1 step and the second player on his first turn must make only 2 steps. Each step includes choosing one of the player's pieces and moving it to an horizontally or vertically adjacent square. A step may result in moving some other pieces (including Rocks) depending on the type of the chosen piece. All possible moves for each type of piece are explained below.
A Stonetroll may pull a Rock that was located on the square right behind the Stonetroll, i.e. on the horizontally or vertically adjacent square on the same line as the Stonetroll's movement. After the pulling a Rock moves to the square where the Stonetroll moved from. Pulling a rock is optional, i.e. a player may decide to move his Stonetroll without pulling a Rock.
A Stonetroll can move to a square occupied with a Rock. In this case the Stonetroll throws the Rock in a horizontal or vertical direction. The thrown Rock flies over empty squares and Dwarves until it hits an obstacle: edge of the board, a Stonetroll, a Sorcerer or another Rock. If the thrown Rock hits a Sorcerer then it lands on its square, the Sorcerer with all other pieces of the same color are removed from the board and the game continues without the corresponding player. Otherwise the Rock lands on the last square before the obstacle (edge of the board, a Stonetroll or another Rock). If this square is occupied by a Dwarf then the Dwarf is removed from the board. Throwing a Rock immediately ends the player's turn even if he made less than 3 steps.
A Rock can be levitated in the same direction as the Sorcerer's movement to an empty square only. Once a Sorcerer starts levitating a Rock, he can continue levitating the same Rock (but not other Rocks!) on subsequent steps during the same turn. The levitation is optional, i.e. a player may decide to move his Sorcerer without levitating a Rock. A player is not allowed to make a non-continuous levitation, i.e. if after making a levitation step the player makes a step without levitation then he cannot do another levitation step during the same turn.
External Links |
Members who played at least 1 game(s) | 194 |
Members who played at least 10 game(s) | 26 |
Games with 2 players | |
Number of played games | 409 |
Average duration | 15m 16s |
Number of wins by the player #1 (excluding quits) | 203 (49.63%) |
Number of wins by the player #2 (excluding quits) | 194 (47.43%) |
Number of draws | 6 (1.47%) |
Games with 3 players | |
Number of played games | 88 |
Average duration | 26m 13s |
Number of wins by the player #1 (excluding quits) | 23 (26.14%) |
Number of wins by the player #2 (excluding quits) | 29 (32.95%) |
Number of wins by the player #3 (excluding quits) | 30 (34.09%) |
Number of draws | 4 (4.55%) |
Games with 4 players | |
Number of played games | 40 |
Average duration | 40m 18s |
Number of wins by the player #1 (excluding quits) | 11 (27.50%) |
Number of wins by the player #2 (excluding quits) | 8 (20.00%) |
Number of wins by the player #3 (excluding quits) | 10 (25.00%) |
Number of wins by the player #4 (excluding quits) | 10 (25.00%) |
Number of draws | 1 (2.50%) |
Member | Score |
1. Arty | 1774 |
2. dave doma | 1733 |
3. Septomor | 1705 |
4. Zozoken | 1694 |
5. Zargasheth | 1675 |
6. Nybba | 1666 |
7. xeonic | 1643 |
8. Labra_Dorr | 1630 |
9. megamau | 1624 |
10. f0ser | 1617 |
11. Vit555 | 1616 |
12. kiltach | 1613 |
13. FonDen | 1607 |
14. Miles Prower | 1605 |
15. Buzzeman | 1599 |
16. raza | 1599 |
17. Tuna fish | 1586 |
18. Vic_lll | 1577 |
19. Jek | 1574 |
20. FauxSloMo | 1573 |
Member | Victoires |
1. Septomor | 46 |
2. FonDen | 34 |
3. Arty | 34 |
4. xeonic | 27 |
5. dave doma | 27 |
6. Zozoken | 23 |
7. Vit555 | 21 |
8. Nybba | 21 |
9. NOTHING | 19 |
10. NOTHING1 | 16 |
11. Labra_Dorr | 14 |
12. raza | 14 |
13. Miles Prower | 13 |
14. Astrobot7000 | 12 |
15. Zargasheth | 10 |
16. donmen | 9 |
17. tsgnoma | 8 |
18. Liberte | 8 |
19. anazhenS | 7 |
20. f0ser | 6 |
Member | Parties |
1. FonDen | 65 |
2. Septomor | 62 |
3. Arty | 49 |
4. Liberte | 42 |
5. donmen | 39 |
6. dave doma | 39 |
7. Vit555 | 38 |
8. xeonic | 37 |
9. NOTHING1 | 37 |
10. Zozoken | 34 |
11. NOTHING | 32 |
12. tsgnoma | 30 |
13. raza | 30 |
14. Darkthrone | 28 |
15. Astrobot7000 | 24 |
16. Labra_Dorr | 22 |
17. SnowStorm | 22 |
18. Nybba | 22 |
19. Miles Prower | 21 |
20. Elizabeth | 16 |