Players move alternatively, starting from the player controlling white stones.
A stack of two stones of the same color is called a Tower. A single stone is called a Wall.
There are two kind of moves a player can make:
- Move a tower by distributing its two stones from its initial cell into the two nearest cells in any straight direction (orthogonal or diagonal). Each destination cell must be empty or contain a friendly wall.
The highlighted light tower on the left picture can be distributed in 4 directions marked with red arrows. The tower cannot be distributed to the top or to the top-right because one of the two nearest cells (the 2nd ones) in these directions are occupied by dark enemy walls. The tower cannot be distributed to the bottom-left or to the bottom-right because one of the two nearest cells (the 2nd ones) in these directions are occupied with light towers. Note that the tower can be distributed to the right with one of the two nearest cells being occupied by a player's wall.
The right picture shows the position after distributing the tower in the right direction.
- Sacrifice a tower stone to remove an adjacent (orthogonal or diagonal) enemy wall. Sacrifice is not forced by the presence of an adjacent enemy wall.
The top stone from the highlighted dark tower on the left picture can be sacrificed in order to remove the adjacent light wall in the top-right direction.
The right picture shows the position after the sacrifice.
If a player cannot move on his turn then he loses the game.