Overview |
Anti-Reversi is a variant of Reversi with the same rules but with exactly the opposite goal: to have less discs of one's own color at the end of the game. |
Game statistics
Last generated on 16:07:04, 2025-01-06, pr
Members who played at least 1 game(s) | 309 |
Members who played at least 10 game(s) | 17 |
Number of played games | 822 |
Average duration | 12m 57s |
Number of wins by the player #1 (excluding quits) | 403 (49.03%) |
Number of wins by the player #2 (excluding quits) | 371 (45.13%) |
Number of draws | 19 (2.31%) |
Game activity graph
Last generated on 16:07:04, 2025-01-06, pr
TOP20 list of members by the score
Last generated on 16:07:04, 2025-01-06, pr
Member | Taškai |
1. igBot | 1819 |
2. Kurush | 1793 |
3. Nivolet | 1771 |
4. Diamante | 1765 |
5. zamunda | 1667 |
6. Raph | 1653 |
7. Popotan | 1588 |
8. abcccccccc | 1570 |
9. alkosan | 1565 |
10. aptx | 1562 |
11. 1misha1 | 1546 |
12. furrypony | 1545 |
13. Andrus | 1541 |
14. Fanta | 1540 |
15. njetuvefou | 1540 |
16. JOSE.IBIZA | 1538 |
17. Berni314 | 1538 |
18. mhou | 1537 |
19. Chx | 1534 |
20. unic | 1534 |
TOP20 list of members by the number of wins
TOP20 list of members by the number of played games
Last generated on 16:07:04, 2025-01-06, pr
Member | Žaidimai |
1. igBot | 577 |
2. Kurush | 148 |
3. Diamante | 89 |
4. Popotan | 59 |
5. Nivolet | 49 |
6. pedropajarito | 34 |
7. Arty | 31 |
8. mistagames | 28 |
9. dave doma | 21 |
10. aptx | 19 |
11. bajvik | 14 |
12. zamunda | 14 |
13. MangoTownTravis | 13 |
14. mariet | 12 |
15. joshyd | 12 |
16. kzljf | 11 |
17. YARO | 10 |
18. Undeyapper812 | 9 |
19. MangoTownMike | 9 |
20. Chx | 9 |