Три мускетара
Overview |
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Board |
Three Musketeers is played on a 5x5 board. There are two players: Musketeers and Guardsmen. The initial position of the pieces is the shown on the following picture:
Objective |
The goals of the Three Musketeers game are different for both players. The guardsmen win if they can force the three musketeers to be all on the same row or column. The musketeers win if they don't have any legal move on their turn (as long as one musketeer can move, the game is not won).
Play |
Players move alternatively, starting from the player controlling Musketeers. The musketeer player can move one of the musketeers to any horizontally or vertically adjacent cell occupied by a guardsman. The guardsman is removed from the game. The guardsman player can move one of the guardsmen to any horizontally or vertically adjacent unoccupied cells. |
External Links |
Game statistics

Game activity graph

TOP20 list of members by the score

TOP20 list of members by the number of wins

TOP20 list of members by the number of played games