Players take turns sowing their seeds. Sowing is performed the following way:
- A player picks all seeds up from one of the pits on his side.
- Starting from the next pit in the counter-clockwise direction, the player drops one of the taken seeds in each pit (skipping the storehouses; in German known as "treasure caves").
Below is an example of sowing:

A player takes seven seeds from his pit
and sows them counter-clockwise.
- If the last sown seed in a pit brings the total number of seeds in the pit to two, four or six, all the seeds in that pit are captured and placed in the player's storehouse. If the previous pit (previous in the sowing direction) also has two, four or six seeds, those seeds are also captured and placed in the player's storehouse. The captures are repeated until the previous pit has some number of seeds other than two, four or six.

A player takes three seeds from his pit and sows them
counter-clockwise. The last sown seed lands
on the opponent's side and brings the total number
of seeds to two. The total number of seeds
in the two previous pits is also brought
to two, four or six. All seeds from these three pits
are captured and moved to the player's storehouse:

- If a player doesn't have any seeds on his side on his turn then his opponent moves all of the remaining seeds to his storehouse and the game ends.