TwixT is a two-player abstract board game played on a board with a square grid of holes that was invented by Alex Randolph in 1957 in the Vienna coffeehouse "Hawelka" as a paper-and-pencil game. This game is a member of the connection game family including such games as Hex, Y, Atoll and Crossway.


TwixT is played on a square board with a 24x24 grid of holes, with the four corners missing. Other sizes (e.g. 18x18) can also be used.

The four rows on the edges of the board are called border rows.  The top and bottom edges are colored white while the left and right edges are colored black:

Object of the Game

The goal of TwixT is to form a continuous chain of linked pegs connecting your border rows. I.e. White should connect the rows and Black should connect the Left and Right rows.

If neither side can achieve this, the game ends by a draw.

Below are two examples of a winning chain:



The game begins with an empty board.

Each player has an allocated color: White or Black.

Starting with White, players take turns doing the following actions:

  1. placing a peg of their color in any empty hole of the board (excluding the rows, which belong to his opponent);
  2. after placing a peg, a player may link one or more pairs of his pegs, which are a knight's move away from each other. New links cannot cross other links! As a part of the move, a player may remove his own links from the board (in order to rearrange the sequence of his links on the board).

Since the first player has a distinct advantage, the pie rule is used for making the game fair. This rule allows the second player to switch colors after the first player makes his first move.

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