Taacoca is a two-player abstract board game played on a hexagonal board that was invented by Víkingur Fjalar Eiríksson in 2009. 


Taacoca is played on a hexagonal board with five cells per side. The bottom row is the Home row for the White player. The top row is the Home row for the Black player.

Initially each player has 12 stones of his color. The initial position of stones is shown on the following picture:

Object of the Game

The objective of Taacoca game is to reach the opponent's Home row with one of the player's stones.

A player also wins a game if the opponent is left without any stones or without any moves.

No draws are possible in Taacoca.


Starting with White, players take turns moving any three of their stones one cell forward (if a player has less than three stones he must move all the remaning stones, if that's not possible, he loses the game). The chosen stones do not need to be connected to each other but they must move in the same direction:

The three chosen white stones can move forward in any of the two shown directions After the move

A player cannot move his stones if one of the target cells is occupied with another stone of the player. If some of the target cells (or all of them) are occupied with opponent's stones then the opponent's stones are captured and removed from the board.